Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Anthropology Research Paper TopicsThis collection of anthropology research paper topics is aimed to provide students with a comprehensive list of topics within this vast field of study. This list classifies main topics in anthropology into the following categories: Applied Anthropology, Archaeology, Biography, Cultural/Social Anthropology, Evolution, Geography/Geology, Linguistics, Paleontology, Philosophy, Psychology, Physical/Biological Anthropology, Religion/Theology, Sociology, Research/Theoretical Frameworks. Some anthropology research paper topics may appear in more than one category.

Good Anthropology Research Paper Topics

Applied Anthropology Research Paper Topics

1. Action anthropology
2. Aesthetic appreciation
3. Affirmative action
4. ALFRED: The ALlele FREquency Database
5. Anthropology and business
6. Anthropology and the Third World
7. Anthropology, careeers in
8. Anthropology, clinical
9. Anthropology, economic
10. Anthropology, history of
11. Anthropology, practicing
12. Anthropology, social
13. Anthropology, visual
14. Artificial intelligence
15. Bioethics and anthropology
16. Bioinformatics
17. Biomedicine
18. Biometrics
19. Carbon-14 dating
20. Counseling
21. Dating techniques
22. Dating techniques, radiometric
23. Dating techniques, ralative
24. Demography
25. Dendrochronology
26. Dispute resolution
27. DNA testing
28. Ecology and anthropology
29. Ecology, human behavioral
30. Economics and anthropology
31. Environmental ethics
32. Ethics and anthropology
33. Ethnoecology
34. Ethnomedicine
35. Ethnopharmacology
36. Ethnopsychiatry
37. Ethnoscience
38. Ethnosemantics
39. Field methods
40. Forensic anthropology
41. Forensic artists
42. Geomagnetism
43. Health care, alternative
44. Human rights and anthropology
45. Human rights in the global society
46. Intercultural education
47. Irrigation
48. Justice and anthropology
49. Law and anthropology
50. Law and society
51. Medical genetics
52. Multiculturalism
53. Museums
54. Native studies
55. New dating techniques
56. Paleomagnetism
57. Political anthropology
58. Political economy
59. Potassium-Argon dating
60. Rights of indigenous peoples today
61. Tutankhamun and Zahi Hawass
62. Twin studies
63. United Nations and anthropology
64. Uranium-Lead dating
65. Urban anthropology
66. Urban ecology
67. Women’s studies
69. Zoos

Archaeology Research Paper Topics

70. Abu Simbel
71. Acheulean culture
72. Acropolis
73. Altamira cave
74. Angkor Wat
75. Anthropology, history of
76. Archaeology
77. Archaeology and gender studies
78. Archaeology, biblical
79. Archaeology, environmental
80. Archaeology, maritime
81. Archaeology,medieval
82. Archaeology, salvage
83. Architectural anthropology
84. Atapuerca
85. Aurignacian culture
86. Axes, hand
87. Aztec agriculture
88. Babylon
89. Binford, Lewis Roberts
90. Bingham, Hiram
91. Blombos cave
92. Boucher de Perthes, Jacques
93. Braidwood, Robert John
94. Breuil, Henri
95. Burial mounds
96. Carter, Howard
97. Cave art
98. Celtic Europe
99. Chichen Itza
100. City, history of
101. Clovis culture
102. Coliseum
103. Copper age
104. Crete, ancient
105. Egypt, ancient
106. Egyptology
107. Eoliths
108. Excavation
109. Fa Hien cave
110. Fagan, Brian M.
111. Fayoum culture
112. Folsom culture
113. Ghost towns
114. Graves
115. Great Wall of China
116. Harappa
117. Historicism
118. Indus civilization
119. Iron age
120. Jarmo
121. Koba
122. Lascaux cave
123. Lazaret cave
124. Leakey,Mary D.
125. Levalloisian tradition
126. Llano culture
127. Machu Picchu
128. Mayas
129. Mesolithic cultures
130. Mesopotamian civilization
131. Metallurgy
132. Middens
133. Modjokerto
134. Mohenjo Daro
135. Monte Verde
136. Mummies and mummification
137. Museums
138. National Museum of Anthropology
139. Natufian culture
140. Nazca culture
141. Neandertal burials
142. Neandertal evidence
143. Neandertal sites
144. Neolithic cultures
145. Ochre
146. Ohio Hopewell
147. Oldowan culture
148. Olduvai Gorge
149. Olmecs
150. Orce
151. Petra
152. Petroglyphs
153. Pictographs
154. Pottery and ceramics
155. Prehistory
156. Pu’uhonua o Honaunau
157. Pyramids
158. Ramses II
159. Rapa Nui
160. Rock art
161. Rome, ancient
162. Sahara anthropology
163. Sangiran
164. Shanidar cave
165. Stonehenge
166. Sumerian civilization
167. Taj Mahal
168. Technology
169. Temples
170. Tenoctitlan
171. Terra Amata
172. Tikal
173. Tiwanaku [Tiahuanaco]
174. Tools and evolution
175. Troy
176. Tutankhamun and Zahi Hawass
177. Ubirr
178. Ur
179. Urbanism in ancient Egypt
180. Uxmal
181. Venus of Willendorf
182. Vikings
183. War, archaeology of
184. Zafarraya cave
185. Ziggurats
186. Zooarchaeology

Cultural and Social Anthropology Research Paper Topics

187. Aborigines
188. Adaptation, cultural
189. Agricultural revolution
190. Agriculture, intensive
191. Agriculture, slash-and-burn
192. Aleuts
193. Algonguians
194. Altamira cave
195. Anasazi
196. Anthropology, cultural
197. Anthropology, history of
198. Aotearoa (New Zealand)
199. Ape culture
200. Argentina
201. Asante
202. Asia
203. Athabascan
204. Australia
205. Australian aborigines
206. Aymara
207. Balkans
208. Baluchistan
209. Benedict, Ruth
210. Berdache
211. Boas, Franz
212. Brazil
213. Bride price
214. Cannibalism
215. Caribs
216. Caste system
217. Celtic Europe
218. Chachapoya Indians
219. Chants
220. Childhood
221. Childhood studies
222. Clans
223. Collectors
224. Configurationalism
225. Copper Age
226. Cross-cultural research
227. Cuba
228. Cultivatiion, plant
229. Cults
230. Cultural conservation
231. Cultural constraints
232. Cultural convergence
233. Cultural ecology
234. Cultural relativism
235. Cultural traits
236. Cultural tree of life
237. Culture
238. Culture and personality
239. Culture area concept
240. Culture change
241. Culture of poverty
242. Culture shock
243. Culture, characteristics of
244. Cyberculture
245. Darkness in El Dorado controversy
246. Diffusionism
247. Dowry
248. El Ceren
249. Elders
250. Emics
251. Endogamy
252. Eskimo acculturation
253. Eskimos
254. Ethnocentrism
255. Ethnographer
256. Ethnographic writing
257. Ethnography
258. Ethnohistory
259. Ethnology
260. Etics
261. Eudyspluria
262. Evans-Pritchard, Edward E.
263. Exogamy
264. Family, extended
265. Family, forms of
266. Family, nuclear
267. Feasts and Festivals
268. Feuding
269. Fieldwork, ethnographic
270. Fiji
271. Firth, Raymond
272. Folk culture
273. Folk speech
274. Folkways
275. Frazer, Sir James
276. Freeman, Derek
277. French structuralism
278. Functionalism
279. Gangs
280. Geertz, Clifford R.
281. Genocide
282. Gerontology
283. Globalization
284. Great Wall of China
285. Guarani Nandeva Indians
286. Gypsies
287. Haidas
288. Haiti
289. Harris, Marvin
290. Hinduism
291. Homosexuality
292. Hopi Indians
293. Horticulture
294. Hottentots
295. Huari [Wari]
296. Human competition and stress
297. Ik
298. Indonesia
299. Informants
300. Inoku Village
301. Intelligence
302. Inuit
303. IQ tests
304. Iron Age
305. Iroquoian Nations, Northern
306. Iroquois
307. Irrigation
308. Israel
309. Jewelry
310. Jews
311. Kibbutz
312. Kinship and descent
313. Kinship terminology
314. Kluckhohn, Clyde K. M.
315. Koba
316. Kroeber, Alfred Louis
317. Kula ring
318. Kulturkreise
319. !Kung Bushmen
320. Kwakiutls
321. LaBarre,Weston
322. Labor
323. Labor, division of
324. Lafitau, Joseph-François
325. Language and culture
326. Lapps
327. Lascaux cave
328. Life cycle, human
329. Lineage systems, segmentary
330. Maasai
331. Malinowski, Bronislaw
332. Mana
333. Manioc beer
334. Maori
335. Marquesas
336. Marriage
337. Matriarchy
338. Mbuti Pygmies
339. Mead,Margaret
340. Memes
341. Mexico
342. Miami Indians
343. Migrations
344. Modal personality
345. Mongolia
346. Monogamy
347. Mores
348. Morgan, Lewis Henry
349. Multiculturalism
350. Mundugamor
351. Music
352. Native Peoples of Central and South America
353. Native Peoples of the Great Plains
354. Native Peoples of the United States
355. Navajo
356. Nomads
357. Objectivity in ethnography
358. Ojibwa
359. Oldowan culture
360. Olmecs
361. Omaha Indians
362. Onas
363. Oral literature
364. Orality and anthropology
365. Ornamentation
366. Pacific rim
367. Pacific seafaring
368. Panama
369. Patriarchy
370. Peasants
371. People’s Republic of China and Taiwan
372. Peyote rituals
373. Political organizations
374. Political science
375. Polyandry
376. Polygamy
377. Polygyny
378. Polynesians
379. Population explosion
380. Potlatch
381. Psychiatry, transcultural
382. Qing, the Last Dynasty of China
383. Quechua
384. Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.
385. Rank and status
386. Rarotonga
387. Redfield, Robert
388. Rites of passage
389. Role and status
390. Sambungmachan
391. Samburu
392. Samoa
393. San Bushmen
394. Sardinia
395. Sartono
396. Sex identity
397. Sex roles
398. Sexual harassment
399. Sexuality
400. Siberia
401. Simulacra
402. Slavery
403. Social structures
404. Societies, class
405. Societies, complex
406. Societies, egalitarian
407. Societies, rank
408. Societies, secret
409. Sociobiology
410. Speech, folk
411. Stereotypes
412. Steward, Julian H.
413. Structuralism
414. Subcultures
415. Sudanese society
416. Symboling
417. Tahiti
418. Taj Mahal
419. Tasmania
420. Tax, Sol
421. Technology
422. Textiles and clothing
423. Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall
424. Tierra del Fuego
425. Tikopia
426. Tlingit
427. Tlingit culture
428. Tonga
429. Travel
430. Tswana Bantu
431. Turnbull, Colin M.
432. Tylor, Edward Burnett
433. Ubirr
434. Untouchables
435. Urban legends
436. Vanishing cultures
437. Venezuela
438. Venus of Willendorf
439. Verification in ethnography
440. Villages
441. War, anthropology of
442. White, Leslie A.
443. Work and skills
444. Yabarana Indians
445. Yaganes
446. Yanomamo
447. Zande
448. Zapotecs
449. Zulu
450. Zuni Indians

Evolution Research Paper Topics

451. Adaptation, biological
452. Ape biogeography
453. Aquatic ape hypothesis
454. Arboreal hypothesis
455. Ardrey, Robert
456. Australopithecines
457. Biological anthropology
458. Biological anthropology and neo-Darwinism
459. Black, Davidson
460. Brain, evolution of primate
461. Catastrophism
462. Cladistics
463. Creationism versus geology
464. Darrow, Clarence
465. Dart, Raymond A.
466. Darwin and Germany
467. Darwin and India
468. Darwin and Italy
469. Darwin, Charles
470. Darwinism versus Lamarckism
471. Darwinism, modern
472. Darwinism, social
473. Dawkins, Richard
474. Dennett, Daniel C.
475. Diamond, Jared
476. Dinosaurian hominid
477. Dropithecus
478. Dubois, Eugene
479. Evolution education controversy
480. Evolution, arc of
481. Evolution, disbelief in
482. Evolution, human
483. Evolution, models of
484. Evolution, molecular
485. Evolution, organic
486. Evolutionary anthropology
487. Evolutionary epistemology
488. Evolutionary ethics
489. Evolutionary ontology
490. Evolutionary psychology
491. Extinction
492. Fossil record
493. Fossils
494. Galapagos Islands
495. Genetics, human
496. Genetics, primate
497. Gigantopithecus
498. Haeckel, Ernst
499. Harris, Marvin
500. Hominid taxonomy
501. Hominization, issues in
502. Hominoids
503. Homo antecessor
504. Homo erectus
505. Homo ergaster
506. Homo habilis
507. Homo sapiens
508. Howell, F. Clark
509. Hrdlicka, Ales
510. Human canopy evolution
511. Humans and dinosaurs
512. India and evolution
513. Integrity, dynamic
514. Johanson, Donald C.
515. Kenyanthropus platyops
516. Kenyapithecus wickeri
517. Leakey, Louis S. B.
518. Leakey,Mary D.
519. Leakey,Meave Epps
520. Leakey, Richard E. F.
521. Life, origin of
522. Lovejoy, C. Owen
523. Lucy reconstruction models
524. Mass extinctions
525. Meganthropus
526. Monkey Trial [1925]
527. Monogenesis versus polygenesis
528. Morgan, Elaine
529. Morgan, Lewis Henry
530. Morphology versus molecules in evolution
531. Morris, Desmond
532. Napier, J. R.
533. Narmada man
534. Neandertal evidence
535. Neandertals
536. Neo-Darwinism, origin of
537. Neo-Darwinism
538. Non-Darwinian evolutionary mechanisms
539. Olduvai Gorge
540. Oparin, A.I.
541. Orangutan-human evolution
542. Oreopithecus
543. Primate extinction
544. Primate morphology and evolution
545. Russel, Dale Allen
546. Russia and evolution
547. Sahelanthropus tchadensis
548. Schwartz, Jeffrey H.
549. Scopes, John
550. Selection, natural
551. Sexual selection
552. Spencer, Herbert
553. State Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia
554. Tattersall, Ian
555. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
556. Theories
557. Tylor, Edward Burnett
558. Uniformitarianism
559. Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich
560. Wallace, Alfred Russel
561. Weidenrich, Franz
562. White, Leslie A.
563. White, Timothy
564. Zinjanthropus boisei

Geography and Geology Research Paper Topics

565. Acheulean culture
566. Acropolis
567. Altamira cave
568. Amazonia
569. Aotearoa (New Zealand)
570. Ape biogeography
571. Arctic
572. Argentina
573. Asia
574. Australia
575. Axes, hand
576. Biogeography
577. Brazil
578. Carbon-14 dating
579. Catastrophism
580. Cave art
581. Clovis culture
582. Continental drift
583. Cuba
584. Darwin, Charles
585. Dating techniques
586. Dating techniques, radiometric
587. Dating techniques, relative
588. Eoliths
589. Fa Hien cave
590. Fiji
591. Folsom culture
592. Galapagos Islands
593. Geologic column
594. Geology
595. Geomagnetism
596. Graves
597. Haiti
598. Heyerdahl, Thor
599. Israel
600. Lascaux cave
601. Leonardo da Vinci
602. Levalloisian tradition
603. Lyell, Charles
604. Machu Picchu
605. Marquesas
606. Mexico
607. Mongolia
608. Nazca culture
609. New dating techniques
610. Ochre
611. Oldowan culture
612. Olduvai Gorge
613. Pacific rim
614. Paleomagnetism
615. Paleontology
616. Paluxy footprints
617. Peru
618. Petra
619. Petroglyphs
620. Pictographs
621. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
622. Potassium-Argon dating
623. Rapa Nui
624. Rock art
625. Samoa
626. Sardinia
627. Siberia
628. Siwalik Hills
629. Smith,William
630. Stonehenge
631. Stratigraphy
632. Tierra del Fuego
633. Uniformitarianism
634. Uranium-Lead dating
635. Venezuela
636. Wegener, Alfred

Linguistics Research Paper Topics

637. Anatomy and physiology of speech
638. Anthropology, history of
639. Ape communication
640. Ape intelligence
641. Ape language
642. Artificial intelligence
643. Champollion, Jean-François
644. Chants
645. Chomsky, Noam
646. Cognitive science
647. Computer languages
648. Computers and humankind
649. Counseling
650. Culture
651. Ethnographic writing
652. Ethnosemantics
653. Folk speech
654. Generative grammar
655. Global language
656. Glottochronology
657. Intelligence
658. Kanzi
659. Kinship terminology
660. Koko (lowland gorilla)
661. Language
662. Language and biology
663. Language and culture
664. Language use, sociology of
665. Language, animal
666. Language, classification of
667. Language, origin of
668. Language, types of
669. Lévi-Strauss, Claude
670. Linguistic reconstruction
671. Linguistics, historical
672. Lingusitics, transformational
673. Memes
674. Myths and mythology
675. Oral literature
676. Orality and anthropology
677. Paralanguage
678. Paralinguistic communication
679. Patterson, Francine G.
680. Phonetics
681. Phonology
682. Protolanguage
683. Sapir, Edward
684. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
685. Semantics, ethnographic
686. Sociolinguistics
687. Speech, folk
688. Swahili
689. Symboling
690. Universals in culture
691. Universals in language
692. Vanishing languages
693. Washoe
694. Whorf, Benjamin Lee

Paleontology Research Paper Topics

695. Apes, fossil
696. Atapuerca
697. Australopithecines
698. Black, Davidson
699. Coon, Carleton S.
700. Dart, Raymond A.
701. Dryopithecus
702. Dubois, Eugene
703. Evolution, human
704. Fa Hien cave
705. Fossil record
706. Fossils
707. Gigantopithecus
708. Graves
709. Hominid taxonomy
710. Hominization, issues in
711. Hominoids
712. Homo antecessor
713. Homo erectus
714. Homo ergaster
715. Homo habilis
716. Homo sapiens
717. Howell, F. Clark
718. Hrdlicka, Ales
719. Human paleontology
720. Humans and dinosaurs
721. Java man
722. Johanson, Donald C.
723. Kennewick man
724. Kenyanthropus platyops
725. Kenyapithecus wickeri
726. Lazaret cave
727. Leakey, Louis S. B.
728. Leakey,Mary D.
729. Leakey,Meave Epps
730. Leakey, Richard E. F.
731. Leonardo da Vinci
732. Lucy reconstruction models
733. Meganthropus
734. Mungo lady/man
735. Napier, J. R.
736. Neandertal burials
737. Neandertal evidence
738. Neandertal sites
739. Neandertals
740. Olduvai Gorge
741. Oreopithecus
742. Paleoanthropology
743. Paleoecology
744. Paleontology
745. Palynology
746. Sahelanthropus tchadensis
747. Schwartz, Jeffrey H.
748. Shanidar cave
749. Siwalik Hills
750. Taphonomy
751. Tattersall, Ian
752. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
753. Weidenrich, Franz
754. Xenophanes
755. Zafarraya cave
756. Zinjanthropus boisei
757. Zooarchaeology

Philosophy and Anthropology Research Paper Topics

758. Altruism
759. Anthropology, philosophical
760. Bergson, Henri
761. Bruno, Giordano
762. Buber,Martin
763. Categorical imperative
764. Comte, Auguste
765. Condorcet,Marguis de
766. Critical realism
767. Deleuze, Gilles
768. Dennett, Daniel C.
769. Derrida, Jacques
770. Dewey, John
771. Empedocles
772. Engels, Friedrich
773. Enlightenment versus postmodernism
774. Enlightenment, age of
775. Entelechy
776. Environmental ethics
777. Environmental philosophy
778. Essentialism
779. Ethics and anthropology
780. Evolutionary epistemology
781. Evolutionary ethics
782. Evolutionary ontology
783. Feuerbach, Ludwig
784. Fromm, Erich
785. Hegel, G.W. F.
786. Heidegger, Martin
787. Heraclitus
788. Hermeneutics
789. Hobbes, Thomas
790. Human dignity
791. Human excellence
792. Humanism, secular
793. India, philosophies of
794. Integrity, dynamic
795. Kant, Immanuel
796. Kropotkin, Prince Peter A.
797. Lucretius
798. Marx, Karl
799. Marxism
800. Naturalism
801. Neo-Marxism
802. Nietzsche, Friedrich
803. Pantheism
804. Philosophy, dynamic
805. Popper, Karl
806. Positivism
807. Postmodernism
808. Pragmatism
809. Science, philosophy of
810. Spencer, Herbert
811. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
812. Teleology
813. Theories
814. Time
815. Unamuno,Miguel de
816. Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich
817. Whitehead, Alfred North
818. Xenophanes

Psychology and Anthropology Research Paper Topics

819. Agression
820. Alienation
821. Altruism
822. Ape agression
823. Ape cognition
824. Ape communication
825. Ape intelligence
826. Ape language
827. Apollonian
828. Ardrey, Robert
829. Artificial intelligence
830. Behavior, collective
831. Benedict, Ruth
832. Childhood
833. Civil disobedience
834. Cognitive science
835. Confirgurationalism
836. Conflict
837. Consciousness
838. Counseling
839. Crime
840. Criminology and genetics
841. Cross-cultural research
842. Cultural constraints
843. Cultural relativism
844. Culture and personality
845. Culture shock
846. Dementia
847. Dennett, Daniel C.
848. Deviance
849. Ecology, human behavioral
850. Enculturation
851. Ethnocentrism
852. Ethnopsychiatry
853. Ethology, cognitive
854. Eudysphoria
855. Evolutionary ethics
856. Evolutionary psychology
857. Folkways
858. Forensic artists
859. Forensic psychologists
860. Freud, Sigmund
861. Friendships
862. Fromm, Erich
863. Gangs
864. Harlow, Harry F.
865. Human competition and stress
866. Human excellence
867. Humankind, psychic unity of
868. Incest taboo
869. Intelligence
870. Intelligence and genetics
871. IQ tests
872. Kanzi
873. Kluckhohn, Clyde K. M.
874. Koko (lowland gorilla)
875. Kroeber, Alfred Louis
876. Lorenz, Konrad
877. Mead,Margaret
878. Modal personality
879. Mores
880. Morris, Desmond
881. Nationalism
882. Neo-Freudianism
883. Neurotheology
884. Nietzsche, Friedrich
885. Norms
886. Pinker, Steven
887. Psychiatry, transcultural
888. Psychology and genetics
889. Reciprocity
890. Sex identity
891. Sex roles
892. Sexuality
893. Taboos
894. Territoriality
895. Twin studies
896. Washoe
897. Xenophobia

Physical and Biological Anthropology Research Paper Topics

898. Acheulean culture
899. Adaptation, biological
900. Altamira cave
901. Anatomy and physiology of speech
902. Anthropology, history of
903. Anthropometry
904. Ape agression
905. Ape biogeography
906. Ape cognition
907. Ape communication
908. Ape intelligence
909. Apes, fossil
910. Apes, greater
911. Apes, lesser
912. Aquatic ape hypothesis
913. Arboreal hypothesis
914. Ardrey, Robert
915. Artificial life
916. Atapuerca
917. Aurignacian culture
918. Australopithecines
919. Axes, hand
920. Baboons
921. Biological anthropology
922. Biological anthropology and neo-Darwinism
923. Biomedicine
924. Biometrics
925. Bipedal locomotion
926. Black, Davidson
927. Blood groups
928. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
929. Bonobos
930. Bonobos in captivity
931. Brace, C. Loring
932. Brachiation
933. Brain, evolution of primate
934. Brain, human
935. Brain, primate
936. Cebids
937. Cercopithecines
938. Chimpanzees
939. Chimpanzees and bonobos, differences
940. Chimpanzees in captivity
941. Chimpanzees, saving
942. Colobines
943. Coon, Carleton S.
944. Craniometry
945. Dart, Raymond A.
946. Darwin, Charles
947. de Waal, Frans B. M.
948. DeVore, Irven
949. Diamond, Jared
950. Dinosaurian hominid
951. Diseases
952. DNA molecule
953. DNA recombinant
954. DNA testing
955. Dryopithecus
956. Dubois, Eugene
957. El Ceren
958. Eugenics
959. Eve, mitochrondrial
960. Evolutioin, human
961. Forensic anthropology
962. Fossey, Dian
963. Galdikas, Biruté Mary F.
964. Genetics, human
965. Gibbons
966. Gigantopithecus
967. Goodall, Jane
968. Gorillas
969. Gorillas in captivity
970. Gorillas, saving
971. Graves
972. Groooming
973. Haeckel, Ernst
975. Hominid taxonomy
976. Hominization, issues in
977. Hominoids
978. Homo antecessor
979. Homo erectus
980. Homo ergaster
981. Homo habilis
982. Homo sapiens
983. Howell, F. Clark
984. Howling monkeys
985. Hrdlicka, Ales
986. Human canopy evolution
987. Human diversity
988. Human Genome Project
989. Human paleontology
990. Human variation
991. Humans and dinosaurs
992. Hylobates
993. Iceman
994. Java man
995. Johanson, Donald C.
996. Kanzi
997. Kennewick man
998. Kenyanthropus platyops
999. Kenyapithecus wickeri
1000. Koko (lowland gorilla)
1001. Lascaux cave
1002. Lazaret cave
1003. Leakey, Louis S. B.
1004. Leakey,Mary D.
1005. Leakey,Meave Epps
1006. Leakey, Richard E. F.
1007. Lemurs
1008. Lorises
1009. Lucy reconstruction models
1010. Macaques
1011. Marmosets
1012. Meganthropus
1013. Monkeys, New World
1014. Monkeys, Old World
1015. Montagu, Ashley
1016. Morris, Desmond
1017. Mummies and mummification
1018. Mungo lady/man
1019. Museums
1020. Mutants, human
1021. Napier, J. R.
1022. Narmada man
1023. Neandertal burials
1024. Neandertal evidence
1025. Neandertal sites
1026. Neandertals
1027. Ngandong
1028. Oldowan culture
1029. Olduvai Gorge
1030. Orangutan survival, threats to
1031. Orangutan-human evolution
1032. Orangutans
1033. Orangutans in captivity
1034. Oreopithecus
1035. Origin of bipedality
1036. Osteology, human
1037. Paleoanthropology
1038. Pongids
1039. Population explosion
1040. Primate behavioral ecology
1041. Primate conservation
1042. Primate extinction
1043. Primate genetics
1044. Primate locomotion
1045. Primate morphology and evolution
1046. Primates, quadrupedalism
1047. Primate taxonomy
1048. Primatology
1049. Prosimians
1050. RNA molecule
1051. Sahelanthropus tchadensis
1052. Sambungmachan
1053. Sangiran
1054. Sasquatch
1055. Savage-Rumbaugh, Susan
1056. Schaller, George B.
1057. Schwartz, Jeffrey H.
1058. Shanidar cave
1059. Siamangs
1060. Sickle-cell anemia
1061. Siwalik Hills
1062. Smuts, Barbara B.
1063. Sociobiology
1064. Spider monkeys
1065. Strum, Shirley C.
1066. Tamarins
1067. Tarsiers
1068. Tattersall, Ian
1069. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
1070. Territoriality in primates
1071. Tools and evolution
1072. Treeshrews
1073. Twin studies
1074. Wallace, Alfred Russel
1075. Washburn, Sherwood L.
1076. Washoe
1077. Weidenrich, Franz
1078. Yerkes, Robert M.
1079. Yeti
1080. Zinjanthropus boisei
1081. Zoos

Religion, Theology, and Anthropology Research Paper Topics

1082. Ancestor worship
1083. Animatism
1084. Animism
1085. Anthropology of religion
1086. Aquinas, Thomas
1087. Bayang medicine man
1088. Buddhism
1089. Comparative religion
1090. Confucianism
1091. Coptic monasticism
1092. Creationism, beliefs in
1093. Cults
1094. Daoism
1095. Death rituals
1096. Evil
1097. Feuerbach, Ludwig
1098. Frazer, Sir James
1099. Freud, Sigmund
1100. Ghost dance
1101. God gene
1102. Gods
1103. Gosse, Philip
1104. Graves
1105. Henotheism
1106. Hinduism
1107. Humanism, religious
1108. India, rituals of
1109. Islam
1110. Jews
1111. Magic
1112. Magic versus religion
1113. Mana
1114. Marett, Robert Ranulph
1115. Marx, Karl
1116. Masks, ceremonial
1117. Medicine man
1118. Monasticism
1119. Muslims
1120. Native North American religions
1121. Neurotheology
1122. Nietzsche, Friedrich
1123. Pantheism
1124. Pentecostalism
1125. Peyote rituals
1126. Polytheism
1127. Religion
1128. Religion and anthropology
1129. Religion and environment
1130. Religion, liberal
1131. Religious rituals
1132. Scientism versus fundamentalism
1133. Shaman
1134. Sorcery
1135. Sufi Islam
1136. Taboos
1137. Taj Mahal
1138. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
1139. Totem poles
1140. Totemism
1141. Tylor, Edward Burnett
1142. Voodoo
1143. Wallace, Anthony F.C.
1144. Witch doctor
1145. Witchcraft

Sociology and Anthropology Research Paper Topics

1146. Africa, socialist schools in
1147. African American thought
1148. African Americans
1149. African thinkers
1150. Alienation
1151. Amish
1152. Anthropology and sociology
1153. Anthropology, social
1154. Balkans
1155. Behavior, collective
1156. Child abuse
1157. Childhood studies
1158. City, history of
1159. Civil disobedience
1160. Communities
1161. Comte, Auguste
1162. Crime
1163. Criminology and genetics
1164. Cuba
1165. Cultural convergence
1166. Culture of poverty
1167. Culture shock
1168. Deviance
1169. Durkheim, David Émile
1170. Euthenics
1171. Family, extended
1172. Family, forms of
1173. Family, nuclear
1174. Feminism
1175. Folk culture
1176. Folk speech
1177. Folkways
1178. Friendships
1179. Gangs
1180. Genocide
1181. Gerontology
1182. Globalization
1183. Gypsies
1184. Homosexuality
1185. International organizations
1186. Israel
1187. Labor
1188. Labor, division of
1189. Language use, sociology of
1190. Mark, Karl
1191. Marxism
1192. Midwifery
1193. Nationalism
1194. Peasants
1195. Population explosion
1196. Rank and status
1197. Sex identity
1198. Sex roles
1199. Sexual harassment
1200. Sexuality
1201. Slavery
1202. Social anthropology
1203. Social Darwinism
1204. Social sturctures
1205. Socialization
1206. Societies, class
1207. Societies, complex
1208. Societies, egalitarian
1209. Societies, rank
1210. Societies, secret
1211. Sociobiology
1212. Sociolinguistics
1213. Sociology
1214. Speech, folk
1215. Spencer, Herbert
1216. Subcultures
1217. Untouchables
1218. Urban legends
1219. Women’s studies
1220. Xenophobia

Research and Theoretical Anthropology Research Paper Topics

1221. Alchemy
1222. Alienation
1223. Altruism
1224. Anthropic principle
1225. Anthropocentrism
1226. Anthropology and business
1227. Anthropology and epistemology
1228. Anthropology and sociology
1229. Anthropology of men
1230. Anthropology of religion
1231. Anthropology of women
1232. Anthropology, characteristics of
1233. Anthropology, humanistic
1234. Anthropology, philosophical
1235. Anthropology, subdivisions of
1236. Anthropology, theory in
1237. Anthropomorphism
1238. Ape biogeography
1239. Apollonian
1240. Aquatic ape hypothesis
1241. Arboreal hypothesis
1242. Architectural anthropology
1243. Art, universals in
1244. Artificial life
1245. Big bang theory
1246. Cardiff giant hoax
1247. Catastrophism
1248. Chaos theory
1249. Chaos theory and anthropology
1250. Cladistics
1251. Communism
1252. Complexity
1253. Computers and humankind
1254. Configurationalism
1255. Conflict
1256. Cosmology and sacred landscapes
1257. Creationism versus geology
1258. Creationism, beliefs in
1259. Critical realism
1260. Critical realism in ethnology
1261. Cross-cultural research
1262. Cultural conservation
1263. Cultural constraints
1264. Cultural ecology
1265. Cultural relativism
1266. Cultural tree of life
1267. Culture
1268. Culture and pesonality
1269. Culture area concept
1270. Culture change
1271. Culture, characteristics of
1272. Cybernetic modeling
1273. Cybernetics
1274. Darkness in El Dorado controversy
1275. Darwinism versus Lamarckism
1276. Darwinism, social
1277. Degenerationism
1278. Determinism
1279. Dictatorships
1280. Diffusionism
1281. Dinosaurian hominid
1282. Education and anthropology
1283. Egyptology
1284. Emics
1285. Enculturation
1286. Enlightenment versus postmodernism
1287. Enlightenment, age of
1288. Entelechy
1289. Environmental philosophy
1290. Environments
1291. Ethnocentrism
1292. Ethnogenesis
1293. Ethnohistory
1294. Ethology and ethnology
1295. Etics
1296. Eve, mitochrondrial
1297. Evolutionary anthropology
1298. Evolutionary epistemology
1299. Evolutionary ethics
1300. Evolutionary ontology
1301. Exobiology and exoevolution
1302. Feminism
1303. French structuralism
1304. Functionalism
1305. Future of anthropology
1306. Futurology
1307. Gaia hypothesis
1308. Gemeinschaft
1309. Geomythology
1310. Gesellschaft
1311. Global society
1312. Global warming
1313. Glottochronology
1314. God gene
1315. Hardy-Weinberg principle
1316. Henotheism
1317. Hermeneutics
1318. Historicism
1319. Hoaxes in anthropology
1320. Hominization, issues in
1321. Human canopy evolution
1322. Human dignity
1323. Humanism, evolutionary
1324. Humanism, religious
1325. Humanism, secular
1326. Humankind, psychic unity of
1327. Humans and dinosaurs
1328. Iceman
1329. Ideology
1330. Incest taboo
1331. Instincts
1332. Integrity, dynamic
1333. Interpreting evidence
1334. Jews and pseudo-anthropology
1335. Kulturkreise
1336. Legends
1337. Lucy reconstruction models
1338. Marxism
1339. Materialism, cultural
1340. Memes
1341. Migrations to the Western Hemisphere
1342. Missing link
1343. Models, anthropological
1344. Monogenesis versus polygenesis
1345. Myths and mythology
1346. Nationalism
1347. Naturalism
1348. Nature
1349. Nature and nurture
1350. Nature, role of human mind in
1351. Neo-Darwinism
1352. Neo-Freudianism
1353. Neo-Marxism
1354. Neurotheology
1355. Non-Darwinian evolutionary mechanisms
1356. Norms
1357. Objectivity in ethnography
1358. Orangutan-human evolution
1359. Origin of bipedality
1360. Paluxy footprints
1361. Pantheism
1362. Participant-observation
1363. Phrenology
1364. Physiognomy
1365. Positivism
1366. Postcolonialism
1367. Postmodernism
1368. Pragmatism
1369. Reciprocity
1370. Research in anthropology
1371. Research methods
1372. Revitalization movements
1373. Sasquatch
1374. Science, philosophy of
1375. Scientific method
1376. Scientism versus fundamentalism
1377. Secularization
1378. Social change
1379. Sociobiology
1380. Stereotypes
1381. Structuralism
1382. Superorganic
1383. Survivals, cultural
1384. Syncretism
1385. Teleology
1386. Territoriality
1387. Theories
1388. Time in anthropology
1389. Transformationalism
1390. Unifromatarianism
1391. Unity of humankind
1392. Universals in culture
1393. Universals in language
1394. Values and anthropology
1395. Verification in ethnography
1396. Wolfian perspective in cultural anthropology
1397. Women in anthropology
1398. Women’s studies
1399. Xenophobia
1400. Yeti

Anthropology is the study of humankind in terms of scientific inquiry and logical presentation. It strives for a comprehensive and coherent view of our own species within dynamic nature, organic evolution, and sociocultural development. The discipline consists of five major, interrelated areas: physical/biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural/social anthropology, linguistics, and applied anthropology. The anthropological quest aims for a better understanding of and proper appreciation for the evolutionary history, sociocultural diversity, and biological unity of humankind. Anthropologists see the human being as a dynamic and complex product of both inherited genetic information and learned social behavior within a cultural milieu; symbolic language as articulate speech distinguishes our species from the great apes.

Genes, fossils, artifacts, monuments, languages, and societies and their cultures are the subject matter of anthropology. The holistic approach is both intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary. It incorporates evidence from geology, paleontology, psychology, and history, among other special sciences. Anthropologists strive to present generalizations about the origin and evolution of our own species from remote hominid ancestors, as well as ideas about the emergence of social organizations and cultural adaptations. As a result of both research over scores of decades and the convergence of facts and concepts, anthropologists now offer a clearer picture of humankind’s natural history and global dominance.

With the human being as its focus, the discipline of anthropology mediates between the natural and social sciences while incorporating the humanities. Its acceptance and use of discoveries in biology, for example, the DNA molecule, and its attention to relevant ideas in the history of philosophy, such as the concepts presented in the writings of Marx and Nietzsche, make anthropology a unique field of study and a rich source for the relevant application of facts, concepts, methods, theories, and perspectives. Forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, business anthropology, and advocacy anthropology have emerged as significant areas of applied anthropology in the changing modern human world. We hope that our thematic list of anthropology research paper topics provides students with sufficient range of possible topics within this vast field of study.

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